Coral Team for Legal

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Simmons & Fletcher, a Houston-based law firm specializing in personal injury and accidents, relies on inbound phone calls and website forms as their primary channels for client acquisition. However, the company faced significant challenges in managing incoming traffic, namely extensive duplication of data, inconsistent terminology across campaigns, and the loss of crucial details during handling. This made accurate marketing analytics and lead conversion measurement impossible.


Out of all vendors in the market providing similar services, the client specifically chose Coral Team as experts in customizing and configuring the Litify Salesforce package with a request to automate traffic processing and enhance their data analytics capabilities. Leveraging Litify, a specialized Salesforce package for legal practices, the resulting solution streamlined operations and improved data management.

Integrating CallRail with Salesforce

Our client utilized CallRail to keep track of incoming phone calls. While CallRail offers standard call recording features, it fell short of meeting our client's requirements for data accuracy and consistency. To address this, Coral Team capitalized on CallRail's built-in integration capabilities, seamlessly transferring all calls into Salesforce. This process records these interactions as Intakes, ensuring streamlined data management and enhanced functionality.

All inquiries originating from the website are also seamlessly integrated into CallRail before being transferred into Salesforce. 

This integration extends our tracking capabilities to encompass leads generated from both phone calls and website forms, ensuring comprehensive data collection and analysis:


Figure 1: Custom integration between Google Ads, CallRail and Salesforce

As a result, we ensured that every single inquiry is automatically sent to Salesforce without a single duplicate, thereby completely eliminating manual data processing.

Furthermore, Intakes (also known as leads) were configured to capture all essential details during the initial phone conversation with potential customers.
Additionally, a validation process was implemented to eliminate duplicate entries, ensuring that each record remained unique and accurate.

Intake Form

Figure 2: Intake Form

This approach ensured that each interaction was thoroughly documented, minimizing the risk of overlooking any client engagement and minimizing the number of additional interactions needed to fill in the gaps in the inquiry.

Custom Analytics

Now that all data is clean and complete, it can be leveraged to generate insightful statistics that will shed light on customer behavior, preferences, and pain points, empowering our clients to make informed decisions.

In order to gather all required marketing information from various sources, we implemented several integrations: 

A summary of all CTI integrations that were implemented during the project

Figure 3: A summary of all CTI integrations that were implemented during the project

Given the multitude of marketing campaign sources, we needed a centralized platform to consolidate and analyze this data comprehensively.

The result is an intuitive dashboard that offers a holistic view of all campaigns, providing valuable insights into their effectiveness:

Marketing Dashboard summarizing all data in one place

Figure 4: Marketing Dashboard summarizing all data in one place

The dashboard enables users to delve into specific details and glean actionable insights, such as statistics on incoming traffic sources that bring the most results:

Sources of Intakes

Figure 5: Sources of Intakes

Furthermore, you can see how many leads were generated by marketing campaigns for each Case Type:

Intakes by Campaign and Case Types

Figure 6: Intakes by Campaign and Case Types

One of the key metrics for gauging campaign success is lead conversion rate, which can also be analyzed by Case Type:

Signed Cases by Medium and Case

TypeFigure 7: Signed Cases by Medium and Case 

As a result, all marketing data from multiple sources is consolidated into one dashboard and presented in the form of visually representative graphs and statistics.

This comprehensive analysis enables our client to identify the most effective marketing efforts and areas that would benefit most from the allocated budget. It also highlights areas that may require improvement before any more finances are spent on them in their current state.

Google Ads Integration

Google Ad campaigns are not a trivial investment. One crucial aspect that our client found lacking was the ability to track which of all the incoming leads ultimately qualified.

To further optimize the effectiveness of their campaigns, our client sought to integrate the results back into Google Analytics. This integration would provide them with valuable insights into the success of each campaign and identify areas that require further refinement, ensuring that every dollar spent is utilized effectively and no resources are wasted.


In conclusion, the seamless integration of CallRail with Salesforce by Coral Team, coupled with the implementation of tailored analytics solutions, has significantly elevated Simmons & Fletcher's marketing capabilities. This transformative project underscores the critical value of informed decision-making, operational efficiency and data-driven optimization. As a result, Simmons & Fletcher is poised to maximize the positive impact on their marketing strategies and overall business success. A minimum 10% increase in ROI is expected as a direct result of these improvements.

This is just one of many cases where Coral Team proves it is not only a proficient expert in integrations but also serves as your consulting partner. We offer advice on enhancing your entire marketing infrastructure based on Salesforce. Not only can we do projects from scratch, but also undertake projects from inception and modify any configuration within the client's environment to meet their specific needs.